I Knew Them When!

Carol Sveilich,MA ...from Cabrillo College student to best selling author! We met in the 1970's in college. Now in the 2000's she is a widely respected author of the book Just Fine (unmasking concealed chronic illness and pain) and lives in the San Diego,CA area.

Carol (circa:1973 )photo: Ken Kearney

Kearney and Sveilich in yesteryears.

Ann and Mike the Hollywood Connection!Santa Cruz 2004. Here is Mike with his wife Ann in downtown Santa Cruz...They both work in Hollywood behind the scenes. Ann in the costume department for various top stage performances and Mike as crew for TV and concert events. I worked with Mike at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk in the 1970's.Mike holds camera over his head at the Boardwalk circa:1976

Janea with Kearney circa 2006

Janea: A friend from the past. I first meet her at Cabrillo College in the 1970's. She became a great friend. I didn't know she was one of the foremost Belly Dancers of the area! She has also become an activist for many worthwhile causes.

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