Ken Kearney: Videographer-Cartoonist-Photographer...Served 4yrs US Navy/Pacific Fleet. 1960's: Graphic Arts Dept. NASA Mtn.View CA. Cartoon Posters:S.F./Haight Ashbury. Next:Worked in animation with Disney artists Bob Carlson, Lee Blair, Larry Kilty. Location: Aptos CA 1970's. 1980's: took over studio space,turned it into photography/illustration studio. Photographed: weddings, glamour, portraits, family photos. Illustration: ads, spot drawings, and cartoon work. Some of my heroes:Walt Disney and staff during the '30's, '40's,'50's. Peter Gowland, Will James, Charles.M.Russell, Eldon Dedini, Fred Moore, John R.Held Jr., Vargas, Harry Reeves, C.D.Gibson. Comic Strips that I enjoyed as a kid:Donald Duck by Carl Barks, Red Ryder, Tarzan, Superman, Buck Rogers. Worked as an "extra" in several big Hollywood films. Currently:Cartoonist/ Community TV Producer. Have produced hundreds of shows in the Santa Cruz CA area. Interviews with creative people, events of interest.
What could be more fun than photgraphing beauties in bathing suits? It's what I always dreamed about as a Watsonville High School kid after looking at the Peter Gowland books on "How to Be a Glamour Photographer". This last shot is what you might call a pin-up girl. These are just a few samples. I studied these magazines as a high school kid like they were text books for my future career choice.
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