Ken Kearney: Videographer-Cartoonist-Photographer...Served 4yrs US Navy/Pacific Fleet. 1960's: Graphic Arts Dept. NASA Mtn.View CA. Cartoon Posters:S.F./Haight Ashbury. Next:Worked in animation with Disney artists Bob Carlson, Lee Blair, Larry Kilty. Location: Aptos CA 1970's. 1980's: took over studio space,turned it into photography/illustration studio. Photographed: weddings, glamour, portraits, family photos. Illustration: ads, spot drawings, and cartoon work. Some of my heroes:Walt Disney and staff during the '30's, '40's,'50's. Peter Gowland, Will James, Charles.M.Russell, Eldon Dedini, Fred Moore, John R.Held Jr., Vargas, Harry Reeves, C.D.Gibson. Comic Strips that I enjoyed as a kid:Donald Duck by Carl Barks, Red Ryder, Tarzan, Superman, Buck Rogers. Worked as an "extra" in several big Hollywood films. Currently:Cartoonist/ Community TV Producer. Have produced hundreds of shows in the Santa Cruz CA area. Interviews with creative people, events of interest.
Here is a small sampling of the women who used to walk through the door at Kearney Studios! This is why I wanted to be a photographer! Examples of "country style" images ...shot with medium format camera and long lens.
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